Hymn For Night Prayer ( 晚禱之歌 )

P. Jordan神父是中美洲千里達真優秀ê教會禮儀kap作曲家,他在受邀請來台灣ê教會音樂研習營時,在南神校園安靜ê暗冥即興創作了這首歌。優美ê旋律飄在加勒比海傳統ê/ 3+2節奏中,親像天堂ê搖籃曲。他後來又koh加入第二節ê歌詞。
Darkness now enfolds us, Daylight is at end.
Come, O Shining Presence, Spirit, be our friend.
Hover o’er the water, Sleep within our breast.
Calm the waves within us, Lead us now to rest.

Let not Love’s betrayal, Let no traitor’s kiss
Mar this day’s Christ-sharing Drunk and dipped in dish.
Journey with us onward To th’ approaching morn.
Call us forth, like Jesus, To new life, reborn.
